Jac o' lyn Murphy: Popsicle Party - Clean Summer Fun

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Popsicle Party - Clean Summer Fun

Popsicles are the epitome of Summertime fun.

We are making the sticky mess they can leave behind 
a little more fun
with mini-popsicle soaps.  
They are as fun to make as they are to use.

Some simple supplies from the craft store
(I got everything at Michael's)
and a few spare minutes are all you need...

They look good enough to eat...

but I am sure you're well behaved
and don't need your mouth washed out with soap!

Mini-Popsicle Soaps
(this will make 4 at a time)
2 - one oz cubes of clear glycerine soap base
soap colorants
silicone mini-popsicle molds

In a microwave safe container (preferably one that is easy to pour out of - I use a gravy boat) melt 2 - one ounce squares of the soap for approx 20 seconds in microwave.
Add drops of coloring and stir until desired color is reached
Pour into molds and let harden at least 20 minutes.


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