My daughter is a high school senior
and is beginning the overwhelming task of writing her college application essays.
For most universities it is basically the same...
tell us about yourself.
Where do you start? What do you write?
How can you do it in a few hundred words? How can you make it interesting and memorable?
Well, I don't have all of those answers
but this is what we are doing to make it a little more fun and interesting...
1. Journals and Pens
There's nothing better to get the creative juices flowing
than having an elegant, inspirational journal ready to roll.
I agree with Frank,
"The Best is yet to Come",
something to remember during this whole process.
You will get through this, you will go to a school you love, the world is your oyster!
We are stashing them anywhere and everywhere for when the light bulb goes off...
than having an elegant, inspirational journal ready to roll.
I agree with Frank,
"The Best is yet to Come",
something to remember during this whole process.
You will get through this, you will go to a school you love, the world is your oyster!
We are stashing them anywhere and everywhere for when the light bulb goes off...
and pens with silly motivational sayings really help...
2. 642 Tiny Things to Write About
Stuck with writer's block?
I bought this quirky, silly little book on a whim and it is full of great prompts
to start thinking about life, who you are, what you would do in different situations and why. It "contains all the ingredients to expand your mind, make time disappear
and super charge your creativity."
to start thinking about life, who you are, what you would do in different situations and why. It "contains all the ingredients to expand your mind, make time disappear
and super charge your creativity."
We have many official "college advice" books,
but this unconventional one has spurred more ideas than any other.
but this unconventional one has spurred more ideas than any other.
3. The Power of Photos
This is a sentimental time for everyone and a great time to go through old photos.
We got out the old albums and she picked out a few of her favorites.
She though about why she picked those and how she felt at that time in her life.
Why was I so happy in this picture? Who was I with?
She also took a photo of what she is trying to convey in her essay...
How do you want the college to see you?
Umm, and no surprise that the picture of when she met 21 Pilots,
made it to the top of her pile...
4. Go Somewhere Inspirational
A much needed break from the stress of it all, did wonders for her creativity.
A day trip to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
inspired her to think about things in new ways.
Inspirational words...
Vibrant colors...
Famous faces...
Poignant messages..
Even a day hiking, at a favorite park or relaxing at the beach can do the trick.
Why do I like this place so much? Will I miss it if I move away? How do I feel when I am here?
5. Khan Academy
And lastly the mother load of college application knowledge,
Khan Academy.
It's free, it's easy, it's completely engaging and you can do it whenever you have time.
They have an entire series of videos by top college admissions officers covering
essay brainstorming, what they are looking for, common mistakes,
samples with feedback, what makes a great essay... the list goes on and on.
Invite their friends over and have a watch party!
Brainstorm ideas, tell each other what you think their best personality traits are,
make a list of why a college would be privileged to have your friend as a student.
This is an exciting time...
I'm just trying to take a deep breath and smile.

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